What Summit County Candidates Spent to Get Your Vote

Wow. It costs a lot of money to run for elected office. Each year, candidates are required to provide an initial report of money spent on their campaign. After the election, candidates are required to provide a final breakdown of what is spent. For this year’s election, amounts range from $500 by Dave Ure (County Council) to $26,000 by Justin …

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Sean Wharton’s Sign Doesn’t Seem Legal But For Sure It Is Dangerous

We encountered the above “sign” for Sean Wharton, Candidate for Summit County Council, on the frontage road across from Fresh Market in Pinebrook. While the county laws regarding campaign signs are more lax than regular signs, it appears that campaign signs cannot legally be in the public right-of-way according to the County’s web page on campaigning.  More …

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Is Summit County Poised to Knowingly Violate Utah Election Laws?

Is the County about to violate Utah law by proceeding with having the Basin Recreation Bond on this year’s ballot? Utah Statute UCA §11‐14‐202(1)(a) states that in any election where there is a bond on the ballot, that notice of the election has to be made to the public 21 days before election date. This formal notice has to …

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When Basin Recreation Screws Up… People Notice

Anger is overflowing in parts of Jeremy Ranch. A field that many neighbors use to play soccer with their kids, let their kids run loose, and from all accounts, a good use of open space, has been converted into a small dog run. Residents are voicing concern, such as “It is a dog park and …

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Does Our County Treasurer Need to Have a College Education?

Thursday on KPCW, Corrie Forsling, a candidate for Summit County Treasurer, mentioned she was the only candidate for the position who had a college degree. We thought we may have misunderstood her, so we checked. It appears that she is correct. Her opponent, Amy Yost, has a high school degree, while Ms. Forsling has both …

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Bravo KPCW! You should do this more often!

Right now (as we are writing this), KPCW has Doug Payne and Julie Eihausen, candidates competing for the School Board on the radio. Having both candidates running for the same position on the radio at the same time allows citizens to compare and contrast not only the answers to questions but each candidate’s style. At …

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How Basin Rec’s Bond Could Lead To Requiring More Growth

Note: We are writing a series of articles on the Basin Rec Bond. We feel that that the “Pro-Bond” side is getting a lot of press and wanted to provide alternate points of view. In November, Snyderville Basin residents will vote on a $25 million bond for Basin Rec. If passed, this bond will pay for …

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