Are your kids bullied in Park City Schools?

I remember walking down a hall in Junior High in the middle of Kansas. My friend Tim and I would walk the long hall, and way too often, someone would come up behind Tim and punch his books out of his hands. Papers would fly; books would scatter. “Dork”“Loser”“Faggot” … would be shouted by the …

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Since the Park City School District hasn’t removed lead-laced soil near Treasure Mountain Junior High, the EPA may take over.

The Park City School District is teaching a masterclass on deflecting, delaying, and denying responsibility. Fortunately, for our children’s sake, the class is almost over. Since 2017 the Park City School District (PCSD) has been storing soil with lead and arsenic next to Treasure Mountain Junior High. Toxic soil, or what is officially called “solid …

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Park City Juniors and Seniors Enjoy It

Across the open space, I heard music blasting that I barely understood. It was a high school party cranked way too high. It drowned out the music I was playing on my own deck. The party was going on in The Trails at Jeremy Ranch. For a moment, I was miffed. Then I remembered back …

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Park City High School kicker kicks 58-yard field goal

Congratulations Park City football player, David Dellenbach, on your 58-yard field goal kick against Wasatch on Friday night. Just before half-time Dellenbach ran onto the field and booted the longest field goal most people at Dozier Field had ever seen. For reference, the longest field goal ever in the NFL is 66 yards by Justin …

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President Biden, please don’t come back to Park City

President Biden, please don’t come back to Park City. I’m sure you secured millions in donations from Parkites, and that’s great for you. However, the impact on locals was terrible. My son couldn’t get to his reading tutor in Salt Lake. My wife waited in traffic for an hour going down Parleys. I couldn’t pick …

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