Where will the semi trucks chain up?
This week’s snow storms have highlighted an issue. One of the plans for Pinebrook and Jeremy Ranch are two massive roundabouts as traffic enters and exits I-80. The county and UDOT have been working on this for a while and have detailed ideas about how the round about should work. We trust their experience on this.
However, they may not see the alternate use for the Jeremy Ranch exit as traffic heads towards Parley’s Summit.
The Jeremy Ranch exit is a defacto chain-up area for semis. Trucks approaching the summit exit at Jeremy Ranch and then either pull off the road or go straight up the on-ramp. There they stop and put on chains.
With a roundabout, it may no longer be possible. If it is possible, it will introduce another variable into a snowy, and often treacherous, commute. If it’s not possible, the question becomes where will semis chain up?
Hopefully they’ll choose a spot on the east side of Park City. If they don’t Parley’s will become an even bigger mess on snowy days.

h/t to the friend of the Park Rag who suggested this story
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The semis chain up all along the side of the highway between the Kimball and Jeremy exits, where in fact there is a nice wide shoulder intended for that.
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