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Which Park City Schools will Be Closed to Outside Enrollment in 2015?

This week, the Park City School District discusses which of our schools will be “open” for enrollment next year. Open for enrollment means that students from other districts can apply to go to a Park City School. This year Parley’s Park and Trailside were closed.

While things could change based on school board discussions, given the data it looks like Trailside will remain closed, Parley’s Park will be open again, and the high school will become closed.

The high school being “closed” presents an interesting situation. Park City School District Policy states that any out-of-district student who starts elementary school can complete elementary school, but has to re-apply for middle school. The same rule applies for each transition between classes of school (elementary school, middle school, junior high, high school). So, that could mean that current district students at Treasure Mountain may not be able to continue at the high school.

The other interesting thing to note, given current calculations, there is room for over 500 out-of-district students in Park City schools. If you recall, our last property tax increase was partly due to 200 extra students. So, it looks like there is plenty of room for our costs to escalate even further.



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