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Borrow a GoPro from the Library?

The Sacramento Bee has an interesting story on how Sacramento Public libraries are are starting to loan more than just books. They call their initiative, “The Library of Things” project. Examples of categories of items currently available include sewing machines, video games, musical instruments, board games, crafting, and technology items. Their goal really seems to be providing, not only books, but items that may not make sense to own because they are used so infrequently.

In today’s world where libraries are searching for a reason to exist, offering other items for use makes a lot of sense. Perhaps your kid is getting married and you wish you had a really great camera for that one day or maybe you’d like to try out the board game Risk, before buying it. Perhaps you lost your dog and you want to laminate a Lost Dog poster, why would you ver need to buy it, if you could borrow it for a couple of days from the library.

I know that if the Summit County Library offered some of these items, I would probably be a much more frequent user.



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