Google data says that Summit County is staying home amid coronavirus pandemic
Google is publishing information about the number of people going to various locations in a community. They are comparing that to their baseline levels before the coronavirus. The good news from a health perspective is that Summit County appears to be way down in visits to locations. That indicates that people are taking things seriously here and staying home.
The bad news is that most businesses in Summit County make money by people visiting there. So, the economy is obviously devastated.
The one glaring omission related to our particular lifestyle is that Google doesn’t seem to track trails. So what we know is that people aren’t going to businesses. What we don’t know is if they are replacing visits to the Alaskan Fur shop on Main Street with overcrowding our trails.
The numbers below as of 4/2/2020 show the decrease from baseline in Summit County, according to Google Mobile Phone information.

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