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Your County Did a Good Job Tonight

While you were having dinner, a fierce battle was being fought. On one side stood D.R. Horton, the largest home builder in the United States. On the other side stood four members of your County Council. At stake was a project called the Discovery Core, a proposed housing development above the Weilenmann school. D.R. Horton, the developer, has wanted to build over a hundred units of housing in the area for over 3 years. However, this development required roads to be steeper than the County (and national standards) view as safe and houses that are too close to the road.


Saving Your Life but Killing Your Fun

The only funny thing about the South Summit Aquatic Center is that there is nothing funny about the South Summit Aquatic Center.

My two year old son turned away from my wife, who was still in the water, and dashed for the other side of the pool. Seeing water, and not understanding the consequences, he dove in. My wife, two seconds behind him, jumped in and grabbed him. To the lifeguard’s credit, she had seen the impending disaster before my wife and was ready to rescue the toddler. My wife waived her off and said everything was OK. The lifeguard responded with a glare and a shake of her head. Once the lifeguard retreated to her station, I thanked her for being so observant. After saying it again, she responded with a condescending “yeah”.


History says the movie studio will fail

It took years to finally get the movie studio underway.  Ground finally broke on the Raleigh studio site, amid the promise of additional jobs and diversifying the local economy.  Not only was it going to house a movie studio but also include a teaching venue, with a local university training people in film-industry trades. “So you’re able to learn your trade, get trained in the business and go right down and work on a set or a movie, in an accounting office, production office, in animation or in editing.”  This was going to be one of the best things that happened to the town in years. That town was Park City, Utah Pontiac, Michigan.


Highway 224 Interrupted

As I drive up 224 toward town, just past Park City Nursery, I pass a plot of land with two old trees guarding a large piece of open space. I begin thinking about the drive. Sure, Kimball Junction is a mess, but once I get past that I feel like I’m in mountain town. There are big swaths of open space. There’s an old barn. There are condos that look like they should be in the mountains. There are homes tucked away. And there are businesses that like Trout Bum that both belong in a mountain town and look like they belong in a mountain town.


The Drought Continues

If you’ve ridden the trails recently, you may be surprised how dry they are. It’s been cool and relatively rainy, yet the mud-season it is not — by a long stretch. The winter started very dry and some dire warnings were issued by people throughout the county. Yet, snowpack levels finished the winter in the respectable 90% plus range. It was the best winter, as far a water, since 2010. Unfortunately that doesn’t appear to have helped much. A few years of drought and we are still behind. The National Weather Service predicts our drought will continue or intensify this summer.


Many of us remember last summer and the water restrictions placed upon our land. Although you may have water shares, that doesn’t seem to help much when there isn’t water. It’s supposed to rain on Friday. Please enjoy it. That moisture may come few and far between this summer.