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Please vote in our local Park City and Summit County Elections

As of today, only about 25% of all Summit County ballots have been returned. That’s not good.

Regardless of who you vote for, it is important to vote. Two major local political bodies have elections – Park City School Board and Summit County Council. Let me provide you with a few reasons why you should care.

For school board, this is where the majority of your tax dollars go. If you don’t own, your monthly rent is still impacted by school board decisions. For example, my property taxes have nearly tripled in the last three years. You may also take issue with the Superintendent being the highest compensated local official at more than $400K per year. The school board impacts all of that.

For County Council, two major projects are coming up. One is the long-running Dakota Pacific project, where the county may let massive development occur below UOP. The other is Harmon’s Grocery store at the Outlet mall. You want to pick someone who represents your view.

For those new to the area, you likely received your ballots in the mail. I believe you can also vote in person on Election Day. That said, if you have questions, please reach out to the Summit County Clerk’s Office.

For more information, The Park Record has voting guides for Summit County Council:

KPCW has interviews with the school board candidates:

These are crucial times for Summit County and Park City. Please take the opportunity to express your opinion and make the best choices for you and your family.




Good work throwing the bums out, guys.


Wow. Big misguided topic, Josh.

Let’s start by saying Walt is an idiot.

A giant douche.

A greasy cheese burger stain on PCSD’s underwear…

Walt, do you think community tax dollars should subsidize the “non-profit” PCI?

Do you think a <~$1M PCI led donation coordination for extra seats at Eccles 25 years ago should allow unfettered access to Eccles for perpetuity without any contribution to ongoing operational expenses?

Do you think the PCI Executive Director and several staff members (including Teri Orr's daughter) should earn six figure salaries to put on <20 shows in a publicly subsidized venue?

Do you think PCI should be able to leverage free access to the publicly owned Eccles to solicit donor contributions to fund these exorbitant salaries?

Do you think PCSD should bear all of the significant logistical and financial burdens associated with Sundance with zero compensation, while both PCI and Sundance line their pockets?

PCSD receives absolutely nothing from Sundance, other than 10 tickets per Eccles screening, which the district makes available to PCSD staff via lottery.

Do you think PCI should leverage Sundance donated tickets at all Eccles screenings to solicit contributions from donors, while the publicly funded PCSD doesn't get a dime?

Do you think PCI should have priority programming rights within the publicly owned Eccles over all other community partners who would like to use Eccles?

Do you know PCI makes north of $150K from Sundance in Eccles, and doesn't share a single dollar with PCSD?

So, let me see if I have this right, Josh and giant greasy underwear stain Walt …

PCSD should incur all of the expenses associated with operating Eccles, exempting PCI from all current expenses based upon on a minor capital contribution 25 years ago, while Sundance and PCI continue to significantly line their pockets? Got it.

PCI makes money. Sundance makes money. Park City muncipal makes money in festival tax proceeds. PCSD is left holding the bag with zero compensation.

Is this responsible to the taxpayers?

And you are a champion of public education?

While Teri Orr presents herself as the Grand Dame of the arts in PC, she has consistently abused her relationship with PCI and PCSD. She has been driven out of numerous local venues due to her bullying tactics. Her financial interaction with PCI is extremely questionable.

Dive behind the rhetoric, Josh.

The only straight actor here is PCSD.

If you want to subsidize local "non-profits" at the expense of PCSD, please keep your BS rolling.

Everyone supports the arts in PC.

Eccles in a fantastic venue we should leverage for the benefit of the community.

PCI brings great programming. The community respects their legacy. That said, they should pay for their portion of the Eccles operating expenses.

There are many other community partners competing for Eccles. Why should PCI have exclusive access at the taxpayer's expense?

All users of Eccles should contribute to the operational expenses associated with operating this fantastic community venue

Walt is still a giant greasy douche.

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