Where is the Promised Construction at the Film Studio?
We were driving down 248 today and noticed there was no construction happening at the Film Studio. We took a left turn and headed down to Park City Heights. It was like Santa’s village with construction folks doing all sorts of things. We thought, “this is what it looks like when someone really wants to finish their project.”

It got us thinking back to October when a press release was issued that said the cessation of work allowed the Park City Film Studios to complete an agreement with NewPark developer Gary Crandall to help continue development. It also said, “General Contractor, Sahara, L.LC., confirms that it was asked to advance the project forward and felt it prudent to get paving down ‘so we could continue to push on through the winter. Upon completion of the paving we anticipate commencing construction at the prior pace barring any inclement weather.”
We remember that week after construction resumed, dump trucks were seen moving everywhere onsite. We saw some graters and backhoes working too. PROGRESS! Yet, a couple weeks later we heard comments from people saying they only ever saw one or two pieces of equipment running out there.
Now, we are into December… it’s 46 degrees outside and we see nothing. The last few weeks should be a blessing for construction but we don’t see asphalt laid (perhaps it is in someplace we can’t see from outside). We don’t see much construction going on. We can still see straight through the building. There appear to be holes in roof.
So, is construction continuing? Has substantial progress been made? Will the studio be ready to open in the spring? Granted we don’t camp at Quinn’s so maybe we’ve missed it all.
It just seems really strange. Park City Heights gives the appearance of action — a desire and will to complete something. Park City Film Studios looks like it is … well… in limbo.
It doesn’t bode well.

Looks like they are making progress on the roof.
We hope you are right. I believe that was one of the city’s concerns where an open roof would allow too much moisture I and that could impact the foundation.
I drive by daily and don’t see any construction, but if they do it around lunch time I might miss it. I keep thinking this could be a nice new high school if the building could be re-purposed while under construction. The jokes about it being a new Target or Costco don’t seem too far off base either.
Well you can scratch my comment-I saw a handul of people working on the project. Certainly not what I would expect though for a large scale project.
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