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Want to talk about Park City Schools? Let’s meet at the Jeremy Ranch Elementary School Playground this Saturday between 4:30 and 6:00 PM.

Hi I’m Josh Mann, and I am running for Park City School Board. I’d love to better understand your concerns with Park City Schools and wanted to provide a way we could speak face to face.

If you’d like to talk, I’ll be on the playground behind JRES from about 4:30 PM until 6:00 PM this Saturday (June 11th). This is the sort of open communication I’d like to foster as part of the school board. Meeting on the playground during the weekends, morning coffees once a month, open lunches, etc. I believe it is important for us to get together, discuss issues, learn from one another, and come up with solutions to our challenging problems.

So, if you’d like to talk, I look forward to seeing you Saturday. Of course, feel free to reach out to me anytime at .


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