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Summit County Day Celbration Was Nice

Last Saturday, the county held a celebration for Summit County Day. The county cordoned off a small section of the Tanner Outlet mall parking lot next to the playground. They gave away free hot dogs, had face painters, and balloons. Perhaps one of the best part of the event was the sheer number and diversity of Summit County employees who attended. There were sheriff’s deputies, firefighters, transportation planners, emergency planning people, people talking about forest fires… and I’m probably leaving out many others.

Also, Summit County Council members showed up too. I personally had the great opportunity to visit with Tal Adair, Kim Carson, Roger Armstrong, and Claudia McMullin about what’s going on in the county. Ms McMullin was even showing off her bright pink (I mean salmon colored) E-Bike that was on loan from Pedego. She was letting anyone and everyone try it out. I don’t think I’ve seen adults having so much fun in a long time.

Perhaps my wife summed it up best when she said, “I don’t know who was responsible for that [Summit County Day party) but they should be commended. I don’t always agree with everything that happens here, but seeing all those different people who are working to help us every day behind the scenes makes me feel really good about our community.”

Yep, it was a job well done.

Saturday is Summit County Day

This Saturday (4/16) at the Tanger Outlets from 11AM to 2PM, Summit County will behaving a party of sorts. The county will have a fire truck and safety trailer for kids, face painting, balloons, hotdogs, and a scavenger hunt (with prizes) to celebrate Summit County Day.

Especially if you have kids, it looks to be a good way to spend an hour on Saturday. Here’s a tip… for the scavenger hunt, you need to take 10 pictures from a list of specific places across the county on your mobile phone. You’ll then need to show them the pics from your phone. Here is the scavenger hunt form.



Park City Bus Ridership Statistics

As long time readers know, I have been skeptical of Park City bus service providing a larger part of the solution to our traffic problems, than it does today. In its current form, I see how visitors may use the service but have a difficult time envisioning locals utilizing it more.

I had heard through the grapevine that my conjecture was off base; that the bus service was exceeding expectations. I was told that it was doing so well that additional bus service was being considered.

I’ll be the first to admit that actual statistics usually trump gut feelings. So, a few weeks ago I reached out to Summit County for statistics on the number of riders using bus service. I wanted to see if actual data backed up my anecdotal theories. I’ll save any commentary until I have a chance to sit down with Summit County Regional Transportation Planning Director Caroline Ferris and discuss the trends they are seeing.

However, I did want to present the data. Below is a graph of bus ridership from 2015 to present (2015 is in bright yellow and you can click the graph for larger version)). If you are interested, you can also the detailed data that shows ridership by general route.

If you have any questions you’d like me to ask Summit County (given this data), please email me at


Want your kid to attend an Ivy League school? Have them write their admissions essay on Costco.

While most college application deadlines have come and gone, it’s never to soon to start thinking about next year. With that in mind, I saw this story about Britney Stinson, a high school senior who wrote her college admission essay about a trip to Costco with her mom. This essay, along with everything else she has done, enabled her to get accepted into five Ivy League schools and Stanford. Not bad.

When reading about her background, it reminded me of many Park City students. Quartz reports, “Stinson’s SAT scores were in the high 90-something percentile (she wouldn’t say exactly her score) and she’s on track to graduate as her class’s valedictorian. Meanwhile, she participated in highly competitive STEM programs, loaded up on AP classes, was a competitive cross-country runner, and an active participant in her local community.” That’s not a lot different than many of our students. Yet, what seems to put her over the top is her ability to capture an experience that most of us have had, weave that into a story about what it means to be human, and ends with a metaphor that links her life experience to Costco visits. Wait, did her essay end with a metaphor? I don’t really know, but I think so… Maybe?

That’s probably why I went to a state school.

Here is her essay:

Prompt 1: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

Managing to break free from my mother’s grasp, I charged. With arms flailing and chubby legs fluttering beneath me, I was the ferocious two­ year old rampaging through Costco on a Saturday morning. My mother’s eyes widened in horror as I jettisoned my churro; the cinnamon-­sugar rocket gracefully sliced its way through the air while I continued my spree. I sprinted through the aisles, looking up in awe at the massive bulk products that towered over me. Overcome with wonder, I wanted to touch and taste, to stick my head into industrial­ sized freezers, to explore every crevice. I was a conquistador, but rather than searching the land for El Dorado, I scoured aisles for free samples. Before inevitably being whisked away into a shopping cart, I scaled a mountain of plush toys and surveyed the expanse that lay before me: the kingdom of Costco.
Notorious for its oversized portions and dollar-­fifty hot dog combo, Costco is the apex of consumerism. From the days spent being toted around in a shopping cart to when I was finally tall enough to reach lofty sample trays, Costco has endured a steady presence throughout my life. As a veteran Costco shopper, I navigate the aisles of foodstuffs, thrusting the majority of my weight upon a generously filled shopping cart whose enormity juxtaposes my small frame. Over time, I’ve developed a habit of observing fellow patrons tote their carts piled with frozen burritos, cheese puffs, tubs of ice cream, and weight­-loss supplements. Perusing the aisles gave me time to ponder. Who needs three pounds of sour cream? Was cultured yogurt any more well­mannered than its uncultured counterpart? Costco gave birth to my unfettered curiosity.
While enjoying an obligatory hot dog, I did not find myself thinking about the “all beef” goodness that Costco boasted. I instead considered finitudes and infinitudes, unimagined uses for tubs of sour cream, the projectile motion of said tub when launched from an eighty foot shelf or maybe when pushed from a speedy cart by a scrawny seventeen year old. I contemplated the philosophical: If there exists a thirty-­three ounce jar of Nutella, do we really have free will? I experienced a harsh physics lesson while observing a shopper who had no evident familiarity of inertia’s workings. With a cart filled to overflowing, she made her way towards the sloped exit, continuing to push and push while steadily losing control until the cart escaped her and went crashing into a concrete column, 52-inch plasma screen TV and all. Purchasing the yuletide hickory smoked ham inevitably led to a conversation between my father and me about Andrew Jackson’s controversiality. There was no questioning Old Hickory’s dedication; he was steadfast in his beliefs and pursuits—qualities I am compelled to admire, yet his morals were crooked. We both found the ham to be more likable–and tender.
I adopted my exploratory skills, fine-tuned by Costco, towards my intellectual endeavors. Just as I sampled buffalo­-chicken dip or chocolate truffles, I probed the realms of history, dance and biology, all in pursuit of the ideal cart–one overflowing with theoretical situations and notions both silly and serious. I sampled calculus, cross­-country running, scientific research, all of which are now household favorites. With cart in hand, I do what scares me; I absorb the warehouse that is the world. Whether it be through attempting aerial yoga, learning how to chart blackbody radiation using astronomical software, or dancing in front of hundreds of people, I am compelled to try any activity that interests me in the slightest.
My intense desire to know, to explore beyond the bounds of rational thought; this is what defines me. Costco fuels my insatiability and cultivates curiosity within me at a cellular level. Encoded to immerse myself in the unknown, I find it difficult to complacently accept the “what”; I want to hunt for the “whys” and dissect the “hows”. In essence, I subsist on discovery.

Minimum Wage, Automation, Affordable Housing, and Traffic Around Park City

Across the country many cities are moving to a minimum wage of about $15. This has been met with both cheers and backlash. The cheers come from people glad our society wants to help people get closer to a living wage. The backlash comes from people who say that it hurts businesses and is not maintainable.

Either way, what we are seeing is a continued push to automation in service sector jobs. You can see examples of that everywhere from Chili’s (who put tablet computers for ordering at every table) to McDonald’s who is experimenting with self serve coffee kiosks in Chicago.

Here in Park City we don’t have to debate whether we should hike the minimum wage. The fair market has driven up wages for many “minimum wage” type jobs to between and $12 and $15. Yet, the outcome appears to be the same. If you’ve been in McDonald’s in Kimball Junction recently, you probably have noticed the self serve touch screen kiosk that takes orders. Likewise, when Smith’s expanded a few years back, what did they do? They dramatically expanded the number of self checkout stations. Likewise, when Whole Foods builds their new store (which is much bigger), it is likely they will take steps to minimize the extra number of workers required. Then if we look at the major player in town, Vail Resorts, they are good at what they do. It’s likely they will find a way to automate anything that won’t negatively impact the customer experience (if they haven’t already).

It’s true that this sort of automation will first flow to the chains, who can afford it. The Park City Pizzas of our community will come later. However, they’ll have to eventually automate in order to compete or they will disappear. That’s why the Papa John’s gives great discounts when ordering online. Every order that comes in online means fewer phone calls to be answered by a person.

The question I have is how will the impact both Park City area traffic and affordable housing needs. Fewer workers mean fewer people commuting in. The further question is whether that is a reduction of a handful people or hundreds of people across our community. Either way, it will mean less people on our roads.

Affordable housing is a little trickier by its nature. I still struggle with what is an “affordable house” in Park City. Rent controlled apartments are one thing but what’s an affordable house? Technically an “affordable” house is one that can be purchased by a family making the Area Median Income (AMI) of an area. Park City’s AMI is $80,000. So, an affordable house would max out at around $320K. There aren’t a lot of those around Park City, and it’s hard to see where huge growth in those properties comes from.

It makes me wonder, if somewhat like the previous article on preventing problems instead of solving them, if our government needs to help our community automate. I know that topic is taboo in many places because we don’t want to see our fellow community members lose jobs. However, if people are just driving into Park City from Salt Lake to get paid $14.50 at Panda Express, do we worry as much about making their job obsolete? Don’t get me wrong, I understand it is a slippery slope and many people that drive into our area every day are part of the fabric of our community. However, simple math says that fewer workers likely translates into fewer cars and less need for affordable housing.

Sure, we could try to get everyone on a bus and we’ll likely get a few to be part of the transportation solution. However, if we incentivized businesses to automate (which shouldn’t be too big of a stretch because it decreases their costs) and reduce the number of people on the roads, it’s one less person (or hundreds less people) we need to convince to ride a bus or go multi-modal.

Please don’t misconstrue this as a broad call to get rid of teachers, firemen, your local bartender, etc. However, if the city or county developed a plan to provide low cost financing (or other incentive) for automation, the local Del Taco may be able to take a few people off the road. Perhaps a few other businesses could do the same. Eventually perhaps we could have both strong economic growth and not increase the number of workers driving on our roads.

Or perhaps, it’s not worth it and we as a community want to maintain these types of jobs, even with some of the negatives that come with them.

That said, I think it at least makes sense to consider a push to automate. If we are at the point where we are willing to figure out how to make it PAINFUL for our citizens to drive and park around Park City (in order to incent people to get out of their cars), then I think automating some jobs may be a better part of the solution.

Everything Has Its Price … Do We Want to Continue to Pay It on Transportation?

Quick Quiz…

According to Summit County, which group is more responsible for congestion on our roads?

A. Locals

B. Workers living outside the Snyderville Basin and other visitors

The answer is …wait for it… B.

According to a recent staff report given to the Summit County Council, “It’s a common misconception that the Snyderville Basin and the greater Park City area have experienced tremendous residential growth in the past years and because of this, residents are concerned about the amount of traffic congestion. Analysis of Census population numbers indicate that during the last five years, population growth has actually been below the state average; while Park City grew by about six percent, Summit County population only increased by about one percent overall.”

Here’s the money line that brings it all home, “In reality, it’s not residential growth that has led to congestion on our two primary roadways, SR-248 and SR-224. Instead, it’s the unintended consequence of amazing economic and job growth.”

The staff report says during the last 5 years the number of available jobs in the Park City area has increased 40%, compared to 15% increase in the number of jobs statewide. So, our economy appears to be growing much faster than even the Utah average, which is the fastest in the country. Ask 10 people on the street and 11 of them would probably say that’s a good thing.

Yet, when you think about traffic, maybe it’s not.

When we expanded the village at Kimball and added all the little shops and fast food (Del Taco, 5 Guys, Zupas, the ice cream place, Simply Mac, Spectrum Salon, the Barking Cat, the AT&T store, Pure Barre, Spring Mobile, Jimmy Johns, Park City Bagel, and Freebirds) how many of those folks working there live near Park City? Oh, we also expanded Smiths and added on a fuel station. I love my Smith’s Fuel points but how many of those folks drive by themselves to work from Heber or Salt Lake?

Also don’t forget the Hyatt Hotel recently completed on 224, next to Park City Nursery. That was supposed to be a small restaurant and some office space. Now we have a hotel. How many people work at the hotel? How many people drive into the Snyderville Basin to work there? How many visitors stay there every night?

Also don’t forget that a few years ago we allowed Walmart to expand and also become a grocery. Did that increase the number of people on the road? A couple of years ago, we also approved an expansion of Tanger Outlet mall. My guess is that at least 10-20 new shops were part of that expansion. How many cars did that add to the road?

We’ve just approved a new Whole Foods that will be, I think, 30%-40% larger than the existing Whole Foods. How many extra people driving into the Snyderville Basin is that? Oh, and there are going to be up to 10 other retail stores as part of that development.

By the way, these were mostly net new entitlements. Most didn’t have to be allowed. Oh, and yes I know that the County says that the new Whole Foods isn’t an increased entitlement…that it is the same square footage as was previously granted in 2003. If so, it seems strange that there was so much debate about traffic and affordable housing related to something that was already approved and was “the same” as before. I would also bet that if the development agreement for this land wasn’t changed (thus allowing Whole Foods) the dirt would not have been moved yet (or for a quite a while).

I guess, all in all, I’m not surprised that job postings in the Snyderville Basin have gone up 40%.

And please don’t tell me that if we offered offered more affordable housing with bus stops at every location, it would have solved (or will solve) the issue. Even in Salt Lake, where public transit is deemed successful, only 5% of the people take public transportation.

All that said, I think Summit County has achieved what it set out to do — achieve economic growth coming out of the Great Recession. Yet even that seemingly admirable goal, has a price. Now we are learning what that price is.

I now hear that locals are scheming to get a new Trader Joe’s or Sprouts where the old (current) Whole Foods was. They are emailing Trader Joe’s corporate headquarters asking them to come to Park City. Forget the fact that Whole Foods has a lease there for the next few years … and I’m SURE Whole Foods would sublease to a competitor, not. Perhaps in three or four years, when the lease is done, we may see a Sprouts there. But do we really need 5 Supermarkets within 3 miles of each other? As important, do we need the extra employee cars on the road at rush hour?

How many cars have we added to our roads because we allowed more development (that we didn’t have to)?

If I’ve learned anything over my lifetime, it’s that it is easier to prevent a problem than to solve it. It’s seems that in the last five years, we’ve created (or at least heavily contributed to) a problem that we now need to solve. More traffic.

Is this the only reason we have congested roadways? Of course not. We live in a desirable place.

Going forward, even without increasing entitlements, we have so much entitled land that things will likely get worse with traffic. Yet, we as a community need to under the ramifications of our choices. If we hypothetically wanted to ask the County to rezone a portion of land on Highway 40, so Costco could come in, we need to understand what that means. If we elect leaders that want to bring businesses to Summit County we need to contemplate what the downside is.

Please don’t get me wrong. I shop at Smith’s. I go to the quick serve restaurants at the Village at Kimball. I’ll be the first in line at the new Whole Foods. Yes, I shop at Walmart. And I usually always drive my car. So, I get that I’m part of the problem.

That said, at some point, we’ll all need to look in the mirror while sitting in traffic. Instead of bitching about the cars, we’ll need to understand that in some ways we caused it.

Summit County Council Chairperson Roger Armstrong often says that there is no one solution to our traffic problems. I completely agree with those statements. However, I believe we not only need to find a multitude of solutions to our current problems but also find ways to prevent them in the first place.

Summit County Should Consider Breaking Up New Transportation Taxes on November’s Ballot

As we know, last fall’s Park City School Board bond initiative failed. The public said NO to the school district proposal. Yet, did the district need to have a complete failure? No.

What would have generated enough public support to give the school board and district much of what they wanted? Imagine if instead of one large $56 million dollar bond, the school district would have had a bond to rebuild Treasure Mountain, a bond for adding on to the high school for 9th grade, a bond for the 5/6 school at Ecker and a bond for upgraded athletic facilities.

The public would have likely voted to rebuild Treasure Mountain. The public would have also likely voted to expand the high school. There is even a slim chance the people would have voted for the 5/6 school at Ecker. The district may not have gotten everything they wanted, but they would have got the important things.

Moving from the past to the future, it’s likely this November the public will be asked again to vote on tax increases. This time it is likely Summit County will propose at least two taxes increases for fixing our transportation problems. The county has been discussing implementing both a 0.25% “County Option sales and Use Tax for Transportation” and another 0.25% “County, City, or Town Option Sales and Use Tax to Fund a System for Public Transit.” Each tax would raise about $4.1 million per year (total of about $8 million) and would have to be approved by voters during this year’s election.

In an interview last Thursday on KPCW, County Council person Claudia McMullin and KPCW’s Leslie Thatcher were discussing the possible tax increase. According to the interview, Summit County road maintenance is now annually underfunded by between $500,000 and $1 million. Ms Thatcher asked whether that meant we would only need to implement something like a 0.08% tax increase to cover this shortfall. Ms McMullin replied that there are so many other projects that need to be done as well.

When I heard that comment from Ms McMullin (she is right, there are a lot of potential projects), it reminded me of the school bond. The similarities are that there are a lot of potential things that could be done, but the public is likely only going to support some of those.

So a question to ask is, could the county break up the tax increases into smaller portions and have the public vote individually on those? Instead of coming up with a laundry list of items these taxes may be used for then TRYING TO SELL THE COMMUNITY on “fixing transportation” could they instead put multiple taxes on the ballot that would add up to the 0.5% total of the two potential taxes? Perhaps they could put a 0.065% tax increase to fund ongoing maintenance of our roads. Then they could put 0.014% tax increase for funding increased frequency of bus service. A Kimball bus circulator tax could be put on the ballot at 0.06%. Maybe a tax for a park and rides (the turnout by Ecker and/or the land by Jeremy Ranch Elementary, then one by the Home Depot, etc.) could be put on the ballot at around 0.15%

We’ve recently heard through citizen surveys that people want solutions to traffic. Well, let them confirm that by voting with their pocketbook. More importantly, let the community not just vote for “fixing transportation” but for individual ideas. We’d probably learn that 90% of voters have no problem in keeping their roads updated. We’d then learn whether people thought increased bus frequency made sense. We’d also learn about the public interest in park and rides. It would be a very tactical way of looking at issues.

It would also enable the county to have very tactical messages. On the repairs and maintenance, they could cite their statistics that it costs many times more to replace a road than to maintain it. On bus frequency they could tell the public that the reason people don’t ride buses is because they come every half hour and if we bring that down to 7 to 15 minutes, it will increase the number of riders by X and will take Y number of cars off the road.

It also would allow the county to sell the message that they have watched what happened recently, they have listened, and want to ensure they give the public the chance to choose.

Of course there are a couple of potential problems with this. First, is it even possible to break up tax increases on the ballot? From the language of the two laws that enable these tax increases, one says the body “may impose a sales and use tax UP TO 0.25%.” The other says they can impose one of 0.25%. So, it may not even be possible, legally.

Second, I would guess most consultants skilled in putting bonds and taxes on a ballot would call this idea crazy. They would likely say to put as few items on the ballot as possible and hope that the public will “just vote for transportation.” Of course experts told the school district that they should include something with athletics on last year’s bond because people don’t vote for education, they vote for sports. We all know how that worked out.

If the county decides to put transportation taxes on the ballot, is dividing up the taxes a crazy idea? Perhaps. Is it one of the best ways to really know if the public is behind the county’s vision of transportation? Most certainly.

Death to the Term NIMBY Because We are All NIMBYs

This morning I had a fleeting thought about the acronym NIMBY. You may be familiar with it. It means “Not In MY Back Yard.” Most recently in Park City it was commonly used during the school bond debate to describe those people living in Prospector or Park Meadows who apparently didn’t want the bond to pass because if it did, and the football field was moved, then sounds from games would bounce off mountains and be too loud for the neighbors (I guess)… and supposedly the lights would bother the neighbors since they would be… uhhhh… pointed in the wrong direction or something. Therefore, any of this community’s concerns with the bond were dismissed as being that of NIMBYs.

I was reminded of that fleeting thought a few moments ago when a Park Rag commenter told another commenter that the term NIMBY was offensive. The two commenters were discussing the proposed affordable housing and transit center that may be put between Jeremy Ranch Elementary and the Burt Brothers. One commenter thought that people in Jeremy Ranch may not like this development because they were NIMBYs. Another commenter said the term was offensive.

Personally, I agree and disagree with them both. I’m not sure it’s an offensive term but I don’t think the label does much good.

The truth is that most of us are NIMBYs. Want an example?

Let’s build a homeless shelter on Main Street, perhaps right next to the Egyptian Theater. There isn’t a homeless shelter around Park City (that I know of) and why not provide the homeless with an opportunity to be in the center of our city where the potential jobs are and where visitors may be able to help them?

Want another example? Let’s go back to Mountain Accord and have them build that tunnel through Big Cottonwood Canyon to PCMR. It would likely bring a lot more people to Utah, increase the state’s visitors, and increase the tax base of our state, thus increasing revenues for education statewide. So what if people just stay in the valley, stop going to our hotels and restaurants, and make a day trip of it? Don’t be such a NIMBY. Don’t be so concerned with yourself.

Want yet another example? If I recall on Old Ranch Road there is farm land across from Willow Creek Park. Wouldn’t that make a great transit center, if we could buy it? Especially if we connected Old Ranch Road directly with Highway 40? People could come in via Highway 40 via Old Ranch Road and park at the transit center. They could then be shuttled to Canyons and PCMR for skiing. We could have buses running downtown and to PCMR. Why not?

Need another one? Let’s open Guardsman pass year round to traffic. Who cares about the extra traffic going by houses in Old Town and causes more congestion there. That’s NIMBY thinking. It’s not like traffic will be going fast and become dangerous. It’s frankly good for everyone. It provides another way into Park City, so traffic is alleviated up Parleys Canyon, 224 and 248. It likely makes things that much safer!

Need yet another one? Why didn’t we want to put the new state prison in Park City… perhaps on the Triangle Parcel (Between the Home Depot and the Park City Gun Club)? Just think of the economic impact of having a prison near our community! What? You want that prison in Salt Lake and not near where you live? Why?

Wait there’s more. Let’s take the final step and go full circle. We have a transportation problem right? We need more buses on the road! We need transportation alternatives! Yet, how do we fund them? The obvious answer is that all of us living in 84098 currently have a “Park City” address … but we don’t REALLY live in Park City. We live in the unincorporated Snyderville Basin and not Park City. The problem with this is that taxes like the “Resort Tax,” that could be used to fund transportation, are only available to cities and not places like the unincorporated Snyderville Basin. Therefore we are missing out on substantial taxes, that could fund transportation, from visitors to the Canyons because we are not in a “city.” That tax number is likely 6.35% of Vail’s “Canyons” related revenues. All we need is you 84098-ers to change your address. Just so you know… you won’t live in Park City anymore. You’ll live in Moose Valley. But please don’t fuss, because it’s good for all of us. Especially don’t mind the drop in property values associated with you living in Moose Valley instead of Park City. Why would you care?

Because you are a NIMBY. Most of us are NIMBYs. There is nothing wrong with it. At a broader scale, even globally, we all care about where we live.

It is true that at some point we all may have to make sacrifices for the greater good, but it should be a very high bar. Most people in Jeremy Ranch bought into their houses, knowing that the parcel of land between the Jeremy Ranch School and Burt Brothers was zoned Rural Residential and Hillside Stewardship. This would mean that one or two houses could be put on the 30 acres of land between the two sites (not affordable housing and a transit center). You could go further with what people expect around their kids safety, the ability for a two lane road to handle this extra traffic, etc.

The point is that a park and ride and affordable housing at the new location near Jeremy Ranch may make a lot of sense and may be overwhelmingly good for our community as a whole. It may even be good for the Jeremy Ranch population (if we turned into a bus commuter neighborhood). However, IT BETTER make much more sense than a spot that negatively impacts no one or many fewer people.

The truth is that we are all NIMBYs. We just don’t notice until an issue directly impacts us. Most importantly, as a community we should want to support our different neighbors’ issues. Today, it may be affordable housing near Jeremy Ranch. Tomorrow it may be a heliport in Sun Peak.

We’re all in this together.

For a slightly different viewpoint, I’ll suggest you watch the great George Carlin video below. It is definitely NSFW (Not Safe For Work).